Conditions of Entry: Open to horses that are registered at birth in a WAHO recognized studbook of a continent (or geographical area) where the particular show is organized.
Entry restrictions:
Affiliation fee & contribution from the prize money: € 15000,-
Judging system: compulsory
5 topics - 10 points. Half points are allowed.
Each judge gives 1-10 points for the following criteria:
a) type, b) head & neck, c) body, d) legs, e) movement
Head and neck will be judged as individual criteria. Points for head and for neck will be averaged to give one score for b) head & neck.
Walk and trot will be judged as individual criteria. Points for walk and for trot will be averaged to give one score for e) movement.
Judges: At least one judge must be chosen from the ECAHO A and B list of judges. Those judges chosen from non-ECAHO Member country must be selected from the judges' panel of a national Arab Horse Organisation and has to be familiar with ECAHO points system. Any judge who is not on the ECAHO list of judges must produce a signed and validated Contract for judges not listed on ECAHO A or B list of judges. The list of judges for any EAHGC show should be accepted by EAHGC Committee.
Disciplinary Committee: A minimum of two members are required, including one veterinarian and one to be chosen from the ECAHO lists of DC members, at least one member being able to speak the local language as well as English. If, based on previous years’ entries, the show Organizer expects a large number of entries, the number of DCs present must be increased proportionately. One member from the ECAHO lists of DC members shall be appointed Chairman.
Ringmaster: At shows with more than 100 entries two Ringmasters are recommended.
Medication Control: Medication testing of all Gold Medal winners is not compulsory. Any horse may be tested at the discretion of the DC. The organizers of the show should arrange for an ECAHO approved sampling vet to be available in case the Disciplinary Committee should request that a drug test be carried out. All medication testing will be conducted according to ECAHO Rules for Medication Control.